Ellis Law | Utah Law Firm
Providing Utah with excellent law solutions for their estate planning needs.
Lawyer, Utah Law, Utah, Family Law, Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills, Probate, Divorce, Custody, Adoptions
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Utah’s most trusted

Estate Planning
Law Firm

After practicing law for more than 40 years we have the experience to help you with your legal needs. Whether you are facing the planning and decision-making steps of creating your own estate plan, or overwhelmed with the thought of going through complex court proceedings in a family matter, we are a small law firm and focus on bringing you the personal service that you deserve.

We understand that often attorney fees make legal counsel unaffordable for families. Our fees are significantly lower than others because our overhead is low. Because of that we are able to offer free consultations. At the end of your consultation, we will form a plan, and tell you the cost of our services, and you will be able to decide if we are the right firm for you.

AREAS OF expertise

We are highly experienced in all areas of family law, guiding our clients though all their needs, and keeping their interest at heart. We commit to provide the same degree of focus to every client.

We provide counseling in the following areas:

our authentic

Our legal team will make all the differnce

When questions arise relating to estate planning we are here with the answers. Help guiding you through the process to make your legacy last.